
Pretty in Pink’s professional house cleaning never misses a single detail. Our highly trained professionals carefully clean every room of your home, even the hard reachable places.
The very first thing they do is dusting your entire home even the hard reachable places and all the corners. Our housekeepers will take a good care of everything. All the dust will be completely removed from your home. All the methods we use for dusting are highly effective and give a 100 % guaranteed satisfaction. When we are done with the whole dusting process we move on to our specific cleaning methods that are able to give your home a nice, clean and sophisticated look.

Some of our methods include cleaning your house from all the germs, bacteria and dust mites that can cause you several health problems.
Then we take care of your carpets by removing all the dirt from them, spots by using special cleaning products and machines that extract the dirt. These machines are safe to use because they don’t emit the dust they collect.

But if you want to we have special cleaning methods to offer you for every separate room in your house:

Living Room

We will only make a suggestion, but it is up to you to make the final decision. You are the one who decides which cleaning method you want us to use. Call us if you want your home to sparkle. Pretty in Pink is at your service!

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