Clean your refrigerator. This is one of the most effective cleaning tips. For this purpose you need to use a pledge. The first thing you need to do is spray all the spots with the pledge and then let it sit about 1 minute. And wipe all the refrigerator to clean. The results are amazing, your refrigerator will sparkle.
Clean your dirty oven. To clean your oven perfectly mix the following ingredients: 5t baking soda, 5 drops of dawn, 4t vinegar and mix them until you make a paste. Get a sponge and coat the paste everywhere in your oven. Close your oven and let it sit for about 15 – 20 minutes. After that take a lemon, cut it in half and pour some salt and a few drops of dawn on it. Start scrubbing your oven with the lemon. This is the whole process to get a clean oven.
Clean your windows. If you want to get a perfectly cleaned windows make the following solution : 1 / 2 gallon warm water, 1 tbsp liquid ,Jet Dry, , 2-3 tbsp laundry detergent or a dish – washing soap. When you are done with mixing the ingredients spray the windows down with your hose. Wipe the windows and then immediately hose them off. It sounds very simple, but you need to try it to believe it.
Clean your stove top. Sometimes it can be really hard to clean the top of your stove. But with our tip you can make all the gritty scum go away from your stove. You just need to mix the following ingredients: Baking soda, water and salt. Mix them, get a sponge or a brush and start scrubbing. All the dirt will disappear immediately. At the end you will get a shiny stove top.