Remove candle wax. If you want the wax to be removed completely you need to let the wax harden. After that, scrape all the loose wax with a kitchen knife. And after that, turn your iron on to its lowest possible setting. Always remember that the steam option needs to be turned off. Put a paper bag on the wax stain and start ironing. Don’t stop ironing until you see the wax absorbed into the bag. If it is necessary replace the bag and repeat the process.
Marble cleaning. Here is the best way to clean all the marble in your house: Mix 3 quart of warm water and 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Get a clean cloth that you are not using and wet it completely. Start cleaning but don’t scrub too hard because you can damage your marble. Let the solution sit and dry for 1-2 hours and after that clean it with another cloth and warm water. The results are amazing.
Clean your barbecue grill. If you want to clean your barbecue grill perfectly, you need to use an oven cleaner. You didn’t think of this before right? Well, the oven cleaner will get into all the nooks and crannies of your barbecue grill and it will make it perfectly clean. Use a bristle brush to scrub the grill.
Clean your computer screen. Computer screens can get really dirty if they are not cleaned regularly. You don’t have to spend money on expensive cleaners if you want to clean your computer screen. To clean the screen the way you want, just use alcohol and the perfect type of cloth, because you don’t want to scratch your screen. Clean your computer screen once in a week if you want to keep it clean.