Things You Should Be Cleaning
There are some things you probably haven’t been cleaning. Pretty in Pink made a short list of some of the things we usually forget to clean.
Credit cards – All you need to clean your credit cards is an eraser and a towel. First wipe your credit card with a towel and then use the eraser to clean the magnetic area. Credit cards don’t get very dirty, but it is important to clean them regularly just to protect them.
Earbuds and headphones – If you use your earbuds or headphones everyday, you need to clean them regularly. For this purpose use a gentle cloth, soap mixture and hot water.
Iron – Your iron needs to be cleaned regularly if you want to keep your clothes clean. All you need for this purpose is a baking soda, water and vinegar. Try to make a paste and put it on the iron. Let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe it with a soft towel. The results are amazing. Your iron will sparkle.
Dish rack – We are sure that many of you are not cleaning their dish racks very often. But you need to clean it once or twice a week if you want to keep your dishes clean. The only thing you need for this purpose is a bleach, water and soft cloth. Make a mixture from the bleach and the water and start wiping the dish rack. After you are done, let it sit for a few minutes, grab a wet towel and wipe your dish rack to finish the cleaning.
Tv remotes – Tv remotes can contain a lot of germs and bacteria if they are not cleaned regularly. To clean them perfectly, you just need a rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth. Mix the rubbing alcohol with a little water, and start cleaning your tv remote with the microfiber cloth. Use another cloth and hot water to finish the cleaning.